TRANSVERSAL AXIS - Innovation, exploration, technologies

This transversal axis of the ARKAIA Institute of Mediterranean Archaeology aims to rationalise and develop future research tools for the study of ancient sources.

This axis encourages the development of innovative technologies in archaeology and in all fields of ancient documentation within the Institute's perimeter. An already fruitful dialogue is currently at work with "advanced science and technology" and involves several teams such as Madirel, LP3, LIS, LMA, CINaM and ISM.

Two orientations are envisaged:

  • Experimenting and developing new processes to improve the accessibility, reading, processing or preservation of documentation;
  • Supporting the constitution and digital dissemination of archaeological and documentary corpuses.

This axis is transversal to all the other four axes.

Contact information

Institute of Mediterranean Archaeology ARKAIA
Mediterranean House of Human Sciences
5 rue du Château de l'Horloge, BP 647
13094 Aix-en-Provence / +33 4 42 52 41 10

logo de l'institut

innovation, archaeology, heritage
physics, chemistry, mechanics, acoustics
3D, photogrammetry, ontology, digital
documentary corpus, digital humanities