InCIAM Governance Management

Aix-Marseille University Campus Aix-en-Provence, EXTENSION T2 Maison de la Recherche
29 AVE R. Schuman - 13621 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 01

The management of the Institute is composed of the Office, the Project Manager and the Research Engineer.

The Director of the Institute - who is responsible for scientific and technical matters - and her two deputies make up the Institute's Office.

InCIAM presentation of board members and management


personnes en file en posture  de créativé



Pr Nathalie Bonnardel, Director


Pr. Nathalie Bonnardel

University Professor
Director of the Institute of Creativity and Innovation of Aix-Marseille (InCIAM)
Director of the PSYCLE Centre

Head of the Professional and research Master's degree in Ergonomics: human factors and information systems engineering


Nathalie Bonnardel, PhD in psychology - specialization in cognitive psychology and ergonomics - (1992), HDR (Habilitation to Supervise Research, 2006), is a full professor of ergonomics and cognitive psychology at the University of Aix-Marseille (AMU) and former member of the IUF (Institut Universitaire de France, 2007-2012).

She is the director of the Research Center for the Psychology of Cognition, Language and Emotion (PsyCLE, since 2018). Her main research interests are: (1) the understanding and modelling of processes involved in creative activities, in professional (e.g. designers, doctors) and educational (e.g. design students or future teachers) contexts ; (2) the development of methods or techniques (e.g., specific variants of brainstorming) and computer systems (e.g., human-computer interaction with avatars in a virtual reality environment or with a system that provides users with inspirational images or words) to support creative activities; (3) the analysis of the use of these methods, techniques, and systems, and their impact on creative activities

She is the author of over 150 publications and has presented over 150 papers at national and international scientific events. She is the editor or associate editor of books and special issues, has organized or co-organized 17 national and international conferences/workshops, and has served on the scientific or organizational committees of 66 national and international conferences.

She has supervised or co-supervised 10 PhD students and 3 HDR students (in addition to those currently supervised) in several fields, including work, health and education.

She is responsible for the Master in Ergonomics: Human Factors and Information Systems Engineering (linked to the Master in Psychology) and teaches courses in cognitive psychology, ergonomics, design thinking and creativity, UX design and human-computer interaction.

She has been coordinator or partner in 19 research projects, including contracts with the European Commission, several ANR contracts and a number of other contracts.

She has recently developed and implemented international partnerships with the International Society for the Study of Creativity and Innovation (ISSCI), of which she is a board member.




Prof. Ariel Mendez, Deputy Director


Pr. Ariel Mendez


University Professor

Deputy Director of the Institute of Creativity and Innovation of Aix-Marseille (InCIAM)


Ariel Mendez is a University Professor in Management Sciences (PhD in Economic Sciences in 1994, HDR in Management Sciences in 2002, Agrégation des Universités in 2003). She is Deputy Director of the Institute of Creativity and Innovations of Aix-Marseille (InCIAM) since 2019 after having directed the Laboratory of Economics and Sociology of Work (LEST, UMR AMU CNRS) from 2008 to 2017. Her main research activities focus on innovation management, technological and social innovation clusters, organizational dynamics, process analysis.

She is the author of about a hundred publications, papers and conferences, both national and international and the editor or associate editor of books and special issues of journals. She has served on the scientific or organizational committees of some 40 national and international conferences. She has supervised or co-supervised more than 20 PhD and HDR students in the fields of management and organizational analysis.

She is in charge of the Research, Studies and Consulting in Organization, Work and Human Resources course of the Human Resources Management major of the Faculty of Economics and Management of AMU. She teaches strategic management, organizational analysis and research methodology. She is also Vice President in charge of the Law-Economy-Management sectors at Aix-Marseille University.



Pr Fabien Girandola, Deputy Director


Pr. Fabien Girandola


University Professor

Deputy Director of the Institute of Creativity and Innovations of Aix-Marseille (InCIAM)

Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Social Psychology (LPS)


Fabien Girandola is a professor of social psychology at Aix-Marseille University (HDR, 2006), Deputy Director of the Social Psychology Laboratory (U.R. 849), Deputy Director of the Institute of Creativity and Innovations (InCIAM). His work focuses on 1/ Behavioural innovation: resistance to change, social influences, modification of opinions and behaviours in the context of persuasive communication, technological persuasion, commitment and dissonance 2/ Psychosocial aspects of creativity and innovation: studies of the elements of influence, social and environmental determinants and judgements, participants in the processes of creativity and innovation in individual and collective situations (e.g. decision making, brainstorming...)

His research interests are in the fields of public health, work, education and environment. He was a member of the Scientific Council of Santé Publique France. He is in charge of collective scientific expertise and information campaign design at Inserm and the General Health Directorate. He is the author of about sixty peer-reviewed articles and several co-published books.



Damien Lockner, Research Engineer


Damien Lockner


Government-qualified architect

Doctor in ergonomics


The Research Engineer (IGR) provides effective technical and scientific support to InCIAM's projects, whether they are carried out internally or by its partners.

With his experience in research, teaching, design and entrepreneurship, Damien Lockner has relevant skills in many areas for this task:

  • consulting skills for research projects,
  • strong knowledge in the field of psychology of creativity and design processes,
  • has applied his prototyping skills to various media such as web and mobile applications, print products, visual design,
  • innovation and entrepreneurship consulting skills,
  • knowledge transfer, exchange and exploitation (KTE) skills, with communication and outreach skills.

Damien Lockner is therefore a reliable asset to support the different projects of InCIAM, for each stage of development: scientific exploration, research design, prototyping and testing, innovation and business valorization, knowledge transfer and communication.



Agnès Lellouche-Gounon, Project and International Relations Manager for InCIAM

Agnès Lellouche-Gounon

Cognitive Psychologist, ADELI number: 139335681

Junior Certified Ergonomist

Agnès Lellouche-Gounon holds an MBA in luxury brand development and a Master's degree in Psychology: Ergonomics: Human Factors and Information Systems Engineering.



Contact information


Prof. Nathalie Bonnardel

E-mail addresses :


Links :


Prof. Arien Mendez

Email addresses :

Links :


Prof. Fabien Girandola

E-mail addresses :

Links :


Damien Lockner

Email addresses

Links :


Agnès Lellouche-Gounon, InCIAM Project Manager

Institute of Creativity and Innovations of Aix-Marseille - InCIAM
Supporting innovations
Adaptation to human beings, assistance to creativity
Creativity, Education, Training
Innovation, Health, Technology, Work
Nathalie Bonnardel