Elsewhere on the web


Numerous resources exist on the web through the websites of the parity commissions of institutes and EPSTs, specific associations, groups of female and male researchers, etc. Below is a selection of useful and inspiring websites for gender equality and the fight against discrimination.

Committees in institutes and EPST

The mission for the place of women at the CNRS: https: //mpdf.cnrs.fr/mpdf/
"The mission for the place of women at the CNRS acts as an observatory responsible for promoting, advising and evaluating the inclusion of gender in the institution's overall policy."
Many resources and links available on the site.

INRIA's Parité Egalité Committee: https: //parite.inria.fr/
"This committee ensures that the "Parity" and "Equality" dimensions are taken into account in all of Inria's activities"
Numerous resources and examples of actions to fight against inequality.

Standing Conference of Equality and Diversity Officers of Higher Education and Research Institutions : https://www.cped-egalite.fr/
"This website is intended to be practical, to allow everyone to access tools, feedback, research work, related to equality and diversity in higher education."
Very rich site gathering several resources to fight against inequalities and discriminations at the University.

The GIS Gender Institute: https: //institut-du-genre.fr/
"The Gender Institute is a Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique that brings together 30 institutional partners. Based on UMRs and teams explicitly committed to gender research, it constitutes a place of coordination, reference and scientific reception of French research on gender and sexualities."

GENDERMED https://gendermed.hypotheses.org/bienvenue interdisciplinary thematic network led by researchers, teacher-researchers and young researchers from Aix-Marseille University and international partner universities located around the Mediterranean.
Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'Homme USR3125 Transversal interdisciplinary research

The associations

Women & Science: http: //www.femmesetsciences.fr/
A very active association to promote science and technology among young people, girls and boys, and to promote women in science and technology.

Women & Mathematics: http: //www.femmes-et-maths.fr
Very active association to promote parity in Mathematics

Association for Women Leaders in Higher Education, Research and Innovation (Afdesri): https: //afdesri.fr/
Association to promote the role of women in management bodies, sharing experiences, publishing indicators

Efigieshttp://www.efigies.org/efigies/ Association of Young Researchers in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies. An association that aims to create solidarity between students, doctoral candidates and young researchers in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies through the sharing of knowledge and information.

Associations to promote education without stereotypes

Les petits débrouillards: https: //www.lespetitsdebrouillards.org/
The "petits débrouillards" association movement is part of the permanent renewal of popular education. Through education in scientific, experimental and reasoned approaches, it contributes to developing a critical mind and to broadening the capacity for initiative of each and every one. To do this, it favours initiatives that are in line with an ecological, societal and digital transition."

Polly Maggoo: http: //pollymaggoo.org/
"Founded in 1993 in Marseille, the Polly Maggoo association creates encounters between plural cinemas and a wide audience. Since 2002, we have developed thematic screenings around the sciences. Regular interventions are conducted within cultural, social or educational establishments where the association invites researchers and filmmakers."

International structures

Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM): https://www.mathunion.org/activities/committee-women-mathematics-cwm
"The remit of CWM is to promote international contacts between national and regional organisations for women and mathematics.

Gender Summit : https://gender-summit.com/
"The Gender Summit is a platform for dialogue where scientists, policymakers, gender scholars and stakeholders in science systems examine new research evidence showing when, why, and how biological differences (sex) and socio-cultural differences (gender) between females and males impact on outcomes. The aim is to reach consensus where improvements to science knowledge and science practice are needed and who should take action."

Associations Committees
research studies Gender