Educational videos

The ICSB supports you in the creation of audiovisual educational resources. It can intervene in the different phases of your video or audio project.

To make a request for the production of an educational video, you can :

1. Help with video design

To help you in the creation of educational videos, the CIPE offers you the following services help on AMeTICE"The B-A-BA of instructional video design.", enriched by Marine Chabrolin and Thierry Ruissy.

cours d'aide sur AMeTICE

This module is a guide which gives you the keys to making effective and quality educational videos.

2. The recording studio

The ICSB has a video recording studio on the central campus of St. Charles. Its objective is to allow quality filming in optimal conditions.

Studio d'enregistrement

For any need please contact Marine Chabrolin.

3. Host your video on AMU - AMUpod

You want to upload a video on a university server in order to broadcast it to your students, insert it in a course, show it outside the university: AMU has set up a video/audio storage and broadcast server, called AMUpod.

Logo AMUpod
AMUpod - Frequently Asked Questions - AMUpod Tutorials

AMUpod also allows authors to chapter and enrich their videos by adding text, subtitles, images, web links,...

If you need a channel on AMUPod, please fill in this form.

4. Video series: a teacher, an experience, a pedagogy

This series, launched by the ICEP in 2016, is intended to shed light on pedagogical practices within AMU. Each episode values a teacher's investment in pedagogical innovation.

You want to testify about a pedagogical practice, about a tool that has contributed to the transformation of your practice... Contact us : Marine Chabrolin - Anne-Marie Catella. It's up to you to tell us on which pedagogy or tool you want to testify...

Série pédagogique

A few questions to begin your reflection on your future testimony:

  • Why did you choose this pedagogical orientation in your teaching?
  • Review of your experience?
  • Limitations of this pedagogy?
  • Areas for improvement?

Série pédagogiquesérie pédagogique

Themes of the videos already made available on AMUpod's CIPE channel:

▶️ L'apprentissage par la simulation, Franck Falco, head of the "Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire" professional degree at the IUT in the Ciotat department.

▶️ Art Oriented Pedagogy: deepening and consolidating knowledge through art, Fidelia Ibekwe, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at EJCAM.

▶️ Developing relational skills, Didier Courbet, Professor, Professional Licence "E-commerce and digital marketing", IUT,

▶️ Voting boxes, Frédérique Grimaldi, Professor of Toxicology in Pharmacy

▶️ Le serious game, Karine Guiderdoni-Jourdain, Senior Lecturer in Management Sciences at the LEA department

▶️ La pédagogie active en cours magistral, Aurélie Peyrin, Lecturer in Sociology, UFR d'Économie et de Gestion

▶️ Le TP inversé, Gabrielle Régula, Senior Lecturer in Physics, UFR de Sciences

▶️ Pédagogie active : favoriser les relations sociales dans le groupe, Marion Tellier, professeure en didactique - FLE

▶️ La classe inversée, Jean-Marc Virey, physics and mechanics teacher at Polytech.

Contact information


⦿ Pedagogical innovation ⦿

🔎 Support :

instructional video
recording studio