Solidarity seminar Ukraine, war, Europe "Literature against war

The Russian government's massive military offensive against Ukraine not only raises the spectre of war on the European continent, but also represents a denial of the values of rationality and sharing that underpin the mission of the university.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - From 12:30 to 1:30 pm
ALLSH Faculty
Open to all

War in Ukraine 2022: here and now, hot texts and live emotions
The war continues in Ukraine, even more devastating, more threatening to all of Europe.
The values of democracy and justice are continuously and systematically flouted.
The scientific community of Aix-Marseille University and its Arts, Letters, Languages and
Human Sciences can only be sensitive to this and continues to affirm its solidarity with the
researchers, teachers and the Ukrainian people as well as with the Russian opponents of the war. In this spirit, the Research Department of the ALLSH faculty organizes a seminar
every Wednesday, via Zoom, where academics from Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere will propose a work or an author that allows to approach the suffering and trauma of war.

- Professor Svitlana Kryvoruchko, Director of the Department of Foreign Languages and Slavic
languages, H.S. Skovoroda National University of Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Prof. Natalia Yatskiv, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Prekarpatsky Vassiliev National University
University of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
- Professor Nicolas Tournadre, Emeritus Professor, Language Sciences, AMU
The two Ukrainian colleagues will speak live in French from Ukraine on a set of texts written in recent weeks, since the beginning of the war.


Zoom link :

Contact information

Aix-Marseille University Communication Department
Anouk Rizzo
Deputy Director of Communication


ALLSH Faculty
Carine Galvez
Communication Officer
