New training program 2021-2022: double degree Law - Literature

DIRCOM CP double licence Droit Lettres

Illustration du communiqué de presse double licence Droit Lettres

The training offer of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and the Faculty of Arts, Letters, Languages and Humanities -Department of Modern Literature of Aix-Marseille University offers a new program of excellence from the start of the 2021 academic year: the double degree bi-disciplinary degree in law and literature.

The aim of this degree is to provide students who wish to benefit from a solid legal training rooted in the literary humanities with the necessary dual skills and multidisciplinary knowledge.
At the end of this course, students will obtain both degrees and will be able to mobilise the fundamental skills of the Law degree and those of the Humanities degree, with the addition of transversal skills specific to this double degree.

Most of the law masters in the Faculty of Law and Political Science will thus be open to them. This training is also conducive to the preparation of legal examinations. As for the literary students who wish to give their training a concrete dimension, they will benefit from extensive knowledge and know-how that will open up the professions of book publishing, journalism, teaching competitions and fundamental research in the Humanities.

These dual skills can be highly valued in a future professional career. They are rarely acquired at the same time in the same course.

This course therefore requires rigour and is aimed at motivated students.

Registration is underway!

For more information, please contact

Contacts for those responsible for the course :
Law : Julien Broch / Gil Charbonnier / Gwendoline Lardeux / Franck Petit
Humanities : Joël July / Sylvie Requemora Gros / Cécile Vergez-Sans

Dual license
Double competence