May 17, International Day against LGBTphobia

Engagement LGBTI AMU
Engagement LGBTI AMU

In 2005, 15 years to the day after the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses in the International Classification of Diseases published by the World Health Organization, May 17 became the International Day of Awareness and Prevention to act against violence in all its forms and in all places (physical, psychological, sexual, medical, social, institutional) towards homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia and transphobia.
This is an opportunity for Aix-Marseille University to recall its strong commitment throughout the year to the rights and protection of LGBT people.
For more information, please consult the pages dedicated to the Vice Presidency of Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination, as well as the training of staff in an inclusive work environment and awareness-raising among the student community (conferences, round tables, film debates, exhibitions, etc.).

Next training sessions on June 6th Marseille, October 19th Aix en Provence (Registration on GEFORP)

Program :

- Understand the challenges of an inclusive environment that respects the diversity of agents, regardless of their sexual preference or gender identity;
- To know the legal and regulatory framework that allows to fight against LGBTI+ phobias;
- Identify the resources (website, Service for Respect and Equality, local associations) and actions to develop an inclusive environment;
- To identify the main good practices to support at individual and collective level the inclusion of LGBTI+ staff and fight against discrimination.

Staff, students of Aix-Marseille University, what to do if you witness or are a victim of anti-LGBT acts?
Contact the Service for Respect and Equality
at 04 13 550 550
or by email

Contact information
Transphobia lesbophobia biphobia homophobia
Respect Equality
Staff training