FAQ - For AMU staff

Measures intended to curb the circulation of the virus are framed by the publication of specific regulatory provisions that are rapidly evolving and adapted as needed to each region or department.

1. Barrier actions on site

Reinforced sanitary rules must be strictly applied on site, including:

  • Wearing a mask in all common areas (corridors, offices, lecture halls, sanitary facilities, ....) is mandatory;
  • Wearing a mask outside the buildings in case of high concentration (if it is impossible to respect a distance of 2m);
  • Remember to wash your hands frequently, hydroalcoholic gel is available in all premises;
  • Ensure regular air renewal in all enclosed spaces: 10 minutes every hour and at least four times a day;
  • Clean shared equipment (computer workstations, microphones) between each user using a virucidal wipe or hydroalcoholic solution.

Rules for teachers
They must clean commonly used surfaces (keyboards, remote controls, etc.) using disinfectant wipes or spray or, failing that, towels soaked in hydro-alcoholic gel at the beginning of class. Wearing a mask is mandatory.


2. Telecommuting

The use of telecommuting for BIATSS staff must be encouraged everywhere and whenever possible. Indeed, it is part of the approach to prevent the risk of infection, reducing both travel and the density of staff in the premises of AMU.
Thus, as of January 3, 2022 and for a period of three weeks, telework is mandatory at a rate of 3 days per week for staff whose functions allow it and subject to service requirements. This instruction applies not only to staff who have completed a request for permanent telework, but more broadly to all AMU colleagues (including newcomers). Those who have the possibility to do so will telework up to 4 days per week.


3. Vaccination

The law n° 2021-1040 of August 5, 2021 concerning the management of the health crisis provides that public employees benefit from a leave of absence to attend medical appointments related to vaccinations against Covid-19, including to accompany a minor or a protected adult in their care to such appointments.
These terms are recalled in the circular of December 29, 2021 on telecommuting in the State civil service and compliance with reinforced health rules when working on site, and are valid for the booster dose.

4. What is the situation for agents identified as "contact cases"?

The public agent who has to isolate himself according to the new rules of isolation to be respected from January 3, 2022 will have to work from home. In case of non-teleworking activity, he/she will be placed on special leave of absence.


5. What are the rules concerning the day of absence for agents who have tested positive?

The Social Security Financing Law (LFSS) for 2022 published in the Official Journal on December 24, 2021, extends the compensation of employees on sick leave without a waiting day. The extension will be possible until a date set by decree or until December 31, 2022 at the latest.


6. What is the situation for agents considered as vulnerable?

The DGAFP circular"relating to the identification and protection of civil servants recognized as vulnerable to the Covid-19" of September 9, 2021, updates the procedures for organizing work and taking care of vulnerable persons.

There are two identification criteria:

- Severely immunocompromised vulnerable officers, who must be in at least one of the following situations:

  • Have received an organ or hematopoietic stem cell transplant;
  • be undergoing lymphopenic chemotherapy;
  • be treated with strong immunosuppressive drugs;
  • be on chronic dialysis;
  • on a case-by-case basis, be on immunosuppressive drugs that do not fall into the above categories or have a primary immune deficiency.

- Non-immunocompromised vulnerable agents who are in at least one of the following situations:

  • 65 years of age or older;
  • have a history of cardiovascular disease: complicated hypertension, history of stroke or coronary artery disease, heart surgery, heart failure, etc;
  • have an unbalanced diabetes or one with complications;
  • have a chronic respiratory pathology likely to decompensate during a viral infection (severe asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis...)
  • have severe chronic renal insufficiency;
  • be suffering from cancer undergoing treatment (excluding hormone therapy);
  • be obese;
  • be suffering from congenital or acquired immunodepression, not severe;
  • have cirrhosis at least stage B of the Child Pugh score;
  • have a major sickle cell syndrome or a history of splenectomy;
  • be in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • have motor neuron disease, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, quadriplegia or hemiplegia, primary malignant brain tumor, progressive cerebellar disease, or a rare disease;
  • be affected by trisomy 21.

Care modalities

The care of vulnerable agents is done after their request and upon presentation of a medical certificate. The agents in the first category mentioned above will be placed in ASA if teleworking is not possible.

For those in the second category, the certificate must also attest that the agent is exposed to "high viral densities" in the course of his or her duties. If telecommuting is not possible, the employee must be placed on SAA. In the event of a dispute, the employer must place the agent on ASA pending the opinion of the prevention physician. For vulnerable, non-immunocompromised employees who return to their workstation, the employer shall implement the following protective measures:

  • Isolation of the workstation, in particular by providing an individual office or, if not, by adapting it to limit the risk of exposure as much as possible, in particular by adapting the working hours or by providing physical protection;
  • Compliance, in the workplace and in any place frequented by the person during his or her professional activity, with reinforced barrier measures (reinforced hand hygiene, systematic wearing of a surgical type mask when physical distancing cannot be respected or in a closed environment, with change of this mask at least every 4 hours and before this time if it is wet or damp);
  • Absence or limitation of workstation sharing;
  • Cleaning and disinfection of the workstation and surfaces touched by the person at least at the beginning and end of the shift, especially when the shift is shared;
  • Adaptation of arrival and departure times and any other work trips, taking into account the means of transport used by the person, in order to avoid peak hours;
  • Provision by the employer of a sufficient number of surgical masks to cover journeys between home and the workplace when the person uses public transport.


7. What is the status of spouses of vulnerable individuals?

The October 15, 2020 order of the Council of State's summary judgment judge did not change the state of the law on this point. The Council of State considered that the decree of August 29, 2020 could put an end to the benefit of partial activity for employees (and therefore, by symmetry, of ASA for public agents) cohabiting with a vulnerable person. The spouses of vulnerable persons are therefore subject to the general principles relating to telework. When their missions are only incidentally teleworkable or non-teleworkable, it is advisable to implement adapted conditions of employment as set out in the Prime Minister's circular of September 1, 2020.


8. Closed Classroom, COVID positive child or contact case:

When unable to telework, agents who must provide care for their child under 16 years of age, Covid positive, contact case or whose class or nursery section is closed are placed on special leave of absence (LOA). Only one parent may be granted a leave of absence at a time.

  • The parent who must provide care for children with disabilities is granted ASA, regardless of the child's age.

They must provide:

  • Proof from the facility that the child cannot be accommodated or a document from Medicare stating that their child has tested positive for Covid or is considered a contact case at risk ;
  • A statement on their honor that they are the only one of the two parents requesting an ASA for the days in question.
  • These ASAs do not count against the ASA quota for caring for sick children. The implementation of these measures must be carried out within the framework of a local social dialogue.


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