COVID19 - Continuing Education FAQ



How will I be kept informed of developments?

Through your university messaging system, so it is important to activate your AMU student messaging system, via the university website and via social networks (pré

Contact AMU's Continuing Professional Training Service?

A generic address:

Addresses by device :

How to live better this period?

This unprecedented period linked to COVID-19 can be very difficult to live through and also complicates the continuity of your curriculum. As part of the free services linked to your status as a trainee in AMU continuing education, the SFPC offers specific social support services linked to your status as a trainee in AMU continuing education.

Claudine Cocheril, sophrologist, is committed to those who need it by offering remote support with appointments by phone or skype.

Fathia Tir, Technical Adviser for Social Services and Disability Referent, offers AMU's Continuing Education trainees who encounter socio-professional difficulties an action to secure the training path through individualised social interventions. She can be contacted by email at
All consultations are free and subject to professional secrecy, they remain confidential.


I have a disability, how can I get exam accommodations during the closed period?

The services of the SIUMPPS and the Student Life Offices remain mobilized and can be reached by email. Find all their useful addresses on the following links:

I have received an invitation to answer a survey to evaluate my training, do I have to answer?

YES. We are interested in your opinion. All the opinions collected from the trainees will be compiled and sent to the training managers, with a view to continuous improvement. Thank you in advance for your participation !NO. Until further notice, the exams are postponed. More precise information concerning the organisation or postponement of the exams will be made available at the end of the course.

How should the methods of service control be adapted for a training course that moves from the face-to-face to the distance? What documents are required?

The rules of service control have already been simplified to allow the organization of distance learning with easier and lighter modes of proof. In addition, for training courses initially planned for the face-to-face market, proof can be provided by any means duly agreed between the training organisation and the financiers. Training courses carried out at a distance presuppose compliance with the methods of implementation as defined by the new articles D.6313-3-1 et seq. of the Labour Code (i.e. identification of the educational activities and the methods of evaluation of the educational sequences carried out at a distance, prior information of the trainee on these activities and on the estimated average duration, etc.).

I have a disability, how do I get exam accommodations during the closed period?

The services of the SIUMPPS and the Student Life Offices remain mobilized and can be contacted by e-mail. Find all their useful addresses on the following links:

I have received an invitation to answer a survey to evaluate my training, do I have to answer?

YES. Some trainings are almost finished, that's why the campaign is maintained in some cases. Once the collection is completed, all the opinions gathered from the trainees will be compiled and sent to the training managers, with a view to continuous improvement. Thank you in advance for your participation!

How to adapt the service control methods for a training course that switches from face-to-face to distance? Which parts are required?

The rules of service control have already been simplified to allow the organization of distance learning with easier and lighter methods of proof. In addition, for training courses initially planned on a face-to-face basis, proof can be provided by any means duly agreed between the training organisation and the funders.

Training courses carried out at a distance presuppose compliance with the methods of implementation as defined by the new articles D.6313-3-1 et seq. of the Labour Code (i.e. identification of the pedagogical activities and the methods of evaluation of the pedagogical sequences carried out at a distance, prior information of the trainee on these activities and on the estimated average duration, etc.).

The law Avenir professionnel has also enshrined the possibility of demonstrating the reality of training by any evidence, the production of sign sheets no longer constituting the "masterpiece" in terms of proof.

Is there a standard model of sign-off sheets according to the nature of the training course?

No, the different training organizations implement different pedagogical paths that allow for a variety of models.

In the context of a multimodal training, is it necessary to have several sign-up sheets?

No, just one is enough to integrate all of the course's modalities. Don't forget that you can ask for the sign-in sheets or any other document adapted to the chosen teaching method in the event of an audit.

Is it necessary to trace the connection times?

The legal framework does not mention the monitoring of connection times. On the contrary, Article D. 6313-3-1, 2° refers to "their average duration" (for carrying out educational activities). Nevertheless, it must be possible to demonstrate that the trainee had the means of access and was able to carry out the planned activities independently of the time spent (access code, workspace, etc.) In anticipation of a request for proof in the event of a check, and in order to be able to carry out the technical assistance and/or (a)synchronous pedagogical assistance, it is necessary that the self-training times in FOAD be planned, organised, identified, supervised, over clearly announced days/hours.

Note: with "lump-sum" financing, information on connection times is meaningless.

Should the educational activities be transmitted and to whom?

They can be sent a posteriori to the funders in the event of a request for additional document(s) in the context of the service control carried out.



VAE: What expenses are financing the OPCOs and CPIRs to cope with the economic, financial and social consequences of the spread of covid-19?

They are authorised to finance expenses relating to the validation of prior experience, including the costs of positioning the beneficiary, support in the constitution of eligibility files and preparation for the jury for validation of prior experience, as well as the costs relating to these juries. Expenses are covered on a flat-rate basis, up to a limit of 3,000 euros per application for validation of prior experience. These provisions shall apply until 31 December 2020 at the latest.

How do I finance my EAV?

The Transitions Pro network offers the possibility of financing your VAE initiative up to €2,000 until 31/12/2020 for employees. The financing concerns the 3 steps of the EAV:

  • admissibility
  • support
  • jury examination

The aim of this measure is to facilitate access to the EAV scheme in the current period. Don't wait any longer, contact our team: or visit our page


Who pays for my CPF hours?

  • In the case of an application for a CPF alone (called autonomous), the OPCO to which your company belongs will take charge of your CPF hours. The request must be made via the website

Since July 2020, Pôle emploi has been able to provide a large number of CPF files:

  • Jobseekers can apply individually to Pôle emploi for a contribution via "My Training Account".

How does the Pole emploi employer's contribution work?

  • When connecting to "My Training Account", the user is automatically recognised as a job seeker.
  • After being put in touch with the training organisation he has selected, he completes an online application for additional funding from Pôle emploi (if his rights are insufficient for this training).
  • If Pôle emploi gives a positive response, the job seeker's file is validated and he or she can go on a training course.
  • Read more in the article "Job seekers: how to manage the files?"

As of September 3: employers can add to their employees' accounts:

A new portal is open to private employers offering them the possibility to top up their employees' accounts by allocating grants to them in addition to their acquired rights in the context of a professional activity. Employers thus have the possibility of participating in the financing of their employees' training projects. Subsequently, the portal will be open to other funders.


Private Employers Staffing, how does it work?

The employee selects a training course that he wishes to follow on his "My Training Account" space. »

If there is any outstanding balance to be paid, the employee can download a document containing the information related to his file in order to present his project to his employer and request coverage.
If the employer wishes to take charge of the outstanding balance or a part of it, he can, since September, connect to the Employers and Financers Area (EDEF) and follow the steps of the tele-procedure.

From October: the regions will be able to add to the CPF accounts:



Useful links

The continuing education service remains at your disposal, all your contacts here

FAQ continuing education
job seeker