CIPE Café - March 2020 - March 2021

Virtual room

Logo du CaféCIPE

March 2020 - March 2021
Overcoming difficulties, developing skills
Towards sharing emblematic experiences

New date: Tuesday 1 June 2021 from 9am to 12pm

Come, go and come back whenever you want

Zoom room - authentication required :

with the contribution of :

Catherine Anaya
Pedagogical engineer in the Cultural Mediation Department - ALLSH

Émilie Carretier
Teacher-researcher in biological engineering - IUT Digne-les-Bains

Laurence Chérigier-Kovacic
Teacher-researcher in physics - FST
Representative of the FST Educational and Digital Transformation team

Bruno Foucras
Teacher in Thermal and Energy Engineering - IUT

Christian Henriot
Lecturer in Contemporary Chinese History - ALLSH

Aurélie Peyrin
Teacher-researcher in sociology - FEG

Barbara Szafrajzen
Lecturer and researcher in Information and Communication Sciences - IUT Digne-les-Bains

Contact information


[+] more info, suggestions & contact, feel free to contact Valerie Caraguel.

⦿ Pedagogical innovation ⦿

CIPE' café
curricular innovation